If you have a website of your own and have any interest at all in SEO then I highly recommend you watch this short 10 minute Youtube video just released by Google themselves;

It's kinda hard knowing who to trust post Google Panda/Penguin (or whatever black and white animal Google favours) but if you keep your eyes peeled on everything Google releases and you know where to look, then you may find that Google openly share upcoming news and events. Now who would you trust some Guru with solution the latest SEO magic bullet, or straight from the mouth of Google themselves?

This video outlines the principles of SEO with a surprising amount of rich little snippets of information. There is a whole host of information to be found on the Google Webmaster Help Youtube site.

There's nothing to buy here it's just good old fashioned education by Google themselves.

Here it is again - http://youtu.be/El3IZFGERbM

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