I heard some sad news today...
Turns out that those really slimy, "push button make money"
products are currently the best selling products on Clickbank.com.
Makes me sick.
There are sharks who absolutely prey on good folks by
offering them a "push button software" that will put
money into their pocket.
Even smart people like yourself have fallen for them.
They don't work. Don't buy them.
But people keep buying them. Why?
Because everyone wants that dream of
pushing a button and making money.
Then, they hit you with a bunch of upsells to make
you pay even more money.
Wealthy Affiliate is not one of those. There's no
false claims of push button software that puts
money into your pocket.
But there IS push button software that will build
your websites for you... and it actually works.
There is no automatic way to hit a button and
put money into your bank account forever.
But if you get your affiliate sites ranking on the
search engines, they will make sales that make
money for years to come...
No, you won't push a button and make money
without doing any work...
But I have taken entire weeks off of work
and still made money from the systems that
I have set up.
And no, there are no slimy hidden upsells
that try to get you to spend a bunch of money
on things that you'll never even use.
Maybe that's not your thing. Maybe you'd
prefer to buy into the hype of the "push button"
dreams. I don't know.
But I prefer stuff that works.
Wealthy Affiliate is running a $1 trial here:
$1 For A $100,000 Income-Earning Education
Here's why they're offering this...
For 30-Days, you can test drive the system.
You'll build some websites using their software.
You'll have some traffic by following their keyword
tutorials and writing some articles...
And if you follow the directions... you might
even be making some real money.
And when that's the case, you'll probably want
to stick around.
That's why WA is a $1, for this week only.
Get access here:
Test Drive Wealthy Affiliate For $1 Here
I know that most people will balk at that.
Most people prefer to believe the pipedream
that they can push a button and make money.
And because of that, most people never actually
build up any traction either.
But if you're still reading this email...
There's a decent chance that you're NOT one of
the masses that believes that they can push a button.
You know that it takes a little bit of efforts.
It also takes a little bit of faith.
And it costs a whole dollar.
And from my experience, it's those folks that
actually make this work.
Am I right about you?
If so, join me over at Wealthy Affiliate here:
$1 For A $100,000 Income-Earning Education
I can't wait to see you there.
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